T-18 FILM EXTRACT: The use of sound for seeting a scene
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
The use of sound for seeting a scene

Chicago (2002 Rob Marshall)

I really like the way in which sound is used within this scene of the musical, as what starts out to be diagetic sound progresses into non-diagetic sound, which then results in the beat of the song that is about to start. The use of sound is particularly important in musicals, however the way in which diagetic and non diagetic sound is linked within Chicago helps to give the impression that the characters are actually living within a big theatre production. Also, the fact that the noise heard as this song ending is the noise of the iron which is the first object seen in the next scene, shows the way inwhich sound has been used in this film to link together transitions from on scene to the next.

The Hills have Eyes (2006 Alexandre Aja)

Another film in which I think the sound is partularly well used is The Hills Have Eyes. The reason for this is that like all other horror films, this film uses a sound track to indicates to the viewer that something bad is going to happen. However, instead of using a continuous piece of music like other films do, a low and quite sinister sound is continuously played in a double beat, to indicate the danger. This double beat mimics the beating of a heart and therefore has the effect of increasing the viewers heart rate, in corralation to the increased tension.

Sound tracks are also well used during the opening sequence of The Hills Have Eyes and during the closing credits. For example during the opening sequence many disturbing pictures are shown from the results of nuclear bombs, such as the mutations to children it causes, however whilst these images are being shown a happy and upbeat sound track is played which is a complete contrast to the images shown and gives a sence of disturbance to the viewer, which therefore sets the scene for the rest fo the films. Then again as the end credits role a happy sound track is also played which again contridicts the gruesome and disturbing scenes throughout the film, leaving the viewer feeling even more disturbed by the end of the film.


posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 08:53  
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