T-18 FILM EXTRACT: harry carter. evaluation |
Monday, 2 March 2009 |
harry carter. evaluation |
Analysis of our film studies sequence.
For this project we had to plan and make a short movie sequence for a film of our chosen genre. We chose to make a neo-noir film. Our scene is an extract where the main character is walking and finds a dead body, then there is a flash back to when she had first seen the person before they died. We used each of the micro elements such as sound, editing, mise en scene and cinematography. I was the cinematographer. I chose to do the camera angles in the style of a neo-noir film such as brick as we studied this film earlier in the year. The first few shots establish the setting and the main characters appearance. There is a low angle close up shot of the characters feet walking and as she goes further away it turns into a fairly long shot of the area she is walking into. This is to show the audience where the person is going and that they are walking. The next shot is of the main character walking with the camera tracking back, with a profile shot of her. This is a particularly artistic shot and I aimed to make it look as unique as possible. The composition and placing of the person in the frame makes this shot stand out as a minimalistic, noir style shot. This is a screen grab from this scene
 After this there is another low shot of the pathway and a puddle close to it. It is raining. I put the camera lower so you could see the rain going into the puddle, this looks good and also shows the audience the kind of atmosphere and setting that the character is walking in. she then walks past and goes out of shot. The next shot cuts to a different scene, a tree. The audience do not know what this scene is and it is later revealed in the sequence. This slowly pans down and then cuts straight back to the main character walking. This shot was a moving shot of the character walking past some buildings. This shot then goes back to the tree, getting lower. This increases the tension in the audience and makes them wonder what this scene is. The next few shots are standing shots of the character walking towards her destination. The camera then moves round as she goes into an alleyway. I placed the camera fairly far away from the character and as it moves around she is facing away from the camera. I chose to put the camera here so you get a sense of the character moving and going from place to place and getting closer to her destination. The next shot is almost like a previous shot but with the camera following the character rather than moving backwards. The camera is moving with a wall on the right. I chose to do this shot because it refers to the earlier shot but shows the different setting and also is quite artistic placement of the camera. The next shot is of the character walking on a path then walking in between some trees onto some mud. She then stops and the camera moves in on her feet. I chose to move the camera down to her feet because it emphasises the fact that she has stopped and makes the audience wonder why she has stopped. It then goes to a point of view shot of what she is looking at. This shows the audience a new setting, the previously seen tree, where a dead body is. This then shows a close up of the dead body. This shows the girls clothes so the audience know who she is. There is then a cut to a two days later scene, and a girl is walking down a hallway. I placed the camera slightly to the left of the hallway. This was to change the composition of the shot. There is then a close up of a girl walking through a door and then the camera is moved inside the door to give the effect that the girl has just walked through the door. I then placed the camera behind the two characters now in the room. I did this so the audience can see what they are looking at on the wall and so you can see both characters. One character then leaves and the camera moves around to follow her out. Over all I think our project went well and the cinematography suited our chosen genre.Labels: Harry Carter |
posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 06:36  |
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